From our local miners in DRC, we do extract gold and refine gold which is the most famous of all precious metals. Widely sought after throughout the world for both its investment qualities and industrial properties. Gold has traditionally served three functions: as a monetary instrument, a financial asset, and a raw material mostly used in jewelry and decorative objects.
As an investment, gold is usually viewed as a financial asset that maintains its value during times of political, social or economic distress. In this way, gold provides individual and institutional investors alike with a portfolio safety net against sharp downward spikes in complementary assets such as stocks and bonds, significant rises in inflation, and volatile currency exchange rates.
Today, gold continues to represent a significant portion of the international reserve assets for most national central banks. Because of its value as a currency and historical monetary role, investment demand has played a significantly larger role than market fundamentals in determining the price of gold.

SOKO is a supplier and exporter of precious stones and minerals from Africa. SOKO is in partnership with small-scale miners in Uganda, and Democratic Republic Of Congo(DRC) acts as a representative/intermediary office to facilitate international export trade outside Africa.

We do advisory / referral services to buyers on which mining companies, suppliers, and sellers to use, deal with in Africa.

We do purchasing, clearing, and forwarding of minerals on behalf of companies/clients from any African country to any part of the world in the shortest time possible.

As Soko Gold, we are glad to have over a thousand happy clients who have used our services in this area.